Listen: Somerville Has New Plan To Get Rat Problem Under Control

Listen: Somerville Has New Plan To Get Rat Problem Under Control

Listen to this podcast from WBZ News Radio on how Somerville is getting their rat problem under control.  Somerville Has New Plan To Get Rat Problem Under Control


Somerville in Massachusetts has devised a comprehensive plan to tackle pest control issues, particularly focusing on the rat population. The plan includes a three-pronged approach of abatement, education, and enforcement. New strategies being explored involve fines, increased staff, community engagement, and innovative pest control methods like alternatives to rodenticides and technologies such as carbon monoxide and birth control for rodents. The city has implemented technologies like electrocution through SMART Boxes to combat rats effectively.

Key points:

  • Somerville's plan targets pest control issues, particularly rats, as a public health and environmental health concern.
  • The three-pronged approach includes abatement, education, and enforcement.
  • Strategies include fines, increased staff, community involvement, and innovative pest control methods.
  • Technologies like carbon monoxide, birth control for rodents, and SMART Boxes are being utilized effectively.
  • The public was invited to a meeting to learn about the pest control plan and provide feedback.


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