In a recent post, Newhouse Wildlife Rescue describes a series of heartbreaking events involving attempts to rescue and save injured wildlife. Despite the efforts made, the raccoon, otter, and fox mentioned in the post all succumbed to their injuries or illnesses. The author emphasizes the emotional toll of these losses but also highlights the determination to continue their work in wildlife rescue. The post mentions the importance of learning from these experiences to improve future rescue efforts and mentions fundraising for a wildlife clinic to increase their capacity to help animals in need. We can all do our part by seeking alternative pest control solutions that do not have such negative repercussions on wildlife.
- Article: Rat Poison's Long Reach
A customer recently shared this article with us. We wanted to share with you the far-reaching dangers of using rodenticides to address a rat infestation. Article Summary A red-tailed hawk... Article: Rat Poison's Long Reach
A customer recently shared this article with us. We wanted to share with you the far-reaching dangers of using rodenticides to address a rat infestation. Article Summary A red-tailed hawk...
Rat Lessons: What Rodents Teach Us About Patien...
Rats, although considered unwanted houseguests, can teach us valuable lessons about their behavior that we can use to keep our homes free of rodents. Read more:
Rat Lessons: What Rodents Teach Us About Patien...
Rats, although considered unwanted houseguests, can teach us valuable lessons about their behavior that we can use to keep our homes free of rodents. Read more:
Rat-proof Your Home: How Ratology Revolutionize...
Rats. The very word can send a shiver down the spine of any homeowner. These uninvited guests can wreak havoc, from gnawing on wires to contaminating food supplies, and even...
Rat-proof Your Home: How Ratology Revolutionize...
Rats. The very word can send a shiver down the spine of any homeowner. These uninvited guests can wreak havoc, from gnawing on wires to contaminating food supplies, and even...